The Cambodia Daily 2012年3月27日付1面・24面 猫ひろし氏五輪決定記事


Japanese Comedian Chosen to Run in Olympics
Top long-distance runner deplores decision, says a Cambodian should compete

By Claire Luke and Lor Chandara

A well-known Japanese comedian, Takizaki Kuniaki, will run the marathon for Cambodia at the Olympic Games in London, replacing the country's foremost long-distance runner Hem Bunting, National Olympic Committee (NOC) Secretary-General Vath Chamroeun said yesterday.
The decision is a controversial one, since Mr. Takizaki, whom the Khmer Amateur Athletic Federation granded citizenship late last year in order for him to represent Cambodia, is edging out Mr. Bunting, the first Cambodian-born athlete with a real shot of qualifying for the Olympics on performance alone.
But Mr. Bunting left the national team last year under a cloud of controversy when he criticized the organization's training conditions, and has remained estranged from the organization since.
Mr. Chamroeun said the NOC sent a "wild card" request to the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) last week asking to allow Mr. Takizaki to run in the Olympics for Cambodia.
Wild card requests allow runners who have not made the Olympic qualifying time to participate in the games, but such cards are reserved for countries with athletic sectors that are less developed than those of more established countries.
"The IAAF emailed us announcing they granted [Mr. Takizaki] wild card status to run for Cambodia," Mr. Chamroeun said.
The only way Mr. Bunting can now run in the Olympics, Mr. Chamroeun said, is without help from anyone else by successfully achieving the Olympic qualifying time in the forthcoming Paris Marathon.
Mr. Bunting, who is currently training in Kenya, deplored the NOC's decision when contacted for comment yesterday.
"The decision is not fair at all. He is Japanese. Cambodians and even Japanese are not happy with this decision, which is an insult to the Khmer people and discouraging to Cambodian athletes. He is not better than me," Mr. Bunting said.
Mr. Bunting said his training is going well in Kenya, and that he is 70 percent confident he will make the 2 hour, 18 minute marathon qualifying time in Paris on April 15.
If he does make the cut, both the Cambodian and Japanese athlete would race in London under the same flag.
Mr. Chamroeun downplayed the importance of a Japanese athlete running for Cambodia at the Olympics.
"It's normal for athletes to change nationality and for the IAAF to accept that. It's not against international rules. If you become a Cambodian, you can have the same right as Cambodian people," Mr. Chamroeun said of Mr. Takizaki, who is best know in comedy for his impressions of a cat.
Mr. Chamroeun also said that Mr. Bunting had harmed himself when he left the national team. "We were waiting for him to approach us. The federation is not an enemy; it is just following the rules. We understand it is not fair to Bunting, but he has to understand why. And Cambodians don't care so much about the Olympic Games anyway."
Some did not share Mr. Chamroeun's dispassion regarding Cambodia's choice of athletes.
"Bunting is the first born-and-bred Cambodian with the best chance of qualifying for the Olympics. Based on time, he is a much better athlete than Mr. Takizaki," said Rasmey Sokmongkol, a former private sponsor of Mr. Bunting.
Mr. Sokmongkol questioned the role of Mr. Takizaki's donations to Cambodian athletes, including between $20,000 and $30,000 for June's Phnom Penh Half Marathon, in his selection by the NOC.
Mr. Takizaki was not available for comment, as he is currently in Japan. Keo Visal, Mr. Takizaki's coordinator in Cambodia, said the selection was good for both countries and would strengthen relations between Japan and Cambodia.
Phay Sok, national track and field coach, called the selection of the Japanese runner fair.
"Bunting resigned from the team. [Mr. Takizaki] qualified because there is no one besides Bunting to challenge him, and people support him. Bunting raised conditions, so it's his mistake," he said.
"We know he [Bunting] is the best, but the issue lies with the federation," said Nhan Sokvisal, NOC international relations and cooperation officer.
"It is not fair that a Japanese is chosen over a Cambodian runner. The government should encourage our own sportsman," said national runner Khu Sros. "Bunting works hard, and he is the best in Cambodia."

[写真] Ly Nary
Hem Bunting, left, runs with a Kenyan training partner at the High Altitude Training Center in Iten, a town in Kenya's Rift Valley province, where he is currently training for the Paris Marathon.



By Claire Luke and Lor Chandara

 瀧崎邦明という、ある有名日本人コメディアンが、マラソンカンボジア代表としてロンドン オリンピックで走る。この国の最有力長距離走者ハエム=ブンティーンに取って替わる。国家オリンピック委員会NOC)のヴァット=チョムラアン事務局長が昨日明かした。
 この決定には異論が多い。なぜなら、クメール アマチュア運動競技連盟は瀧崎氏がカンボジア代表になれるよう昨年末に国籍を与えたが、彼は、カンボジア生まれのアスリートとして初めて実力のみによるオリンピック参加資格獲得を射程に収めているブンティーン氏を排除しようとしているからだ。
 ただしブンティーン氏は昨年、組織のトレーニング コンディションを批判して賛否両論の雲の下でナショナル チームを去っており、以来組織とは疎遠のままである。
 瀧崎氏がカンボジア代表としてオリンピックで走ることを認めるよう依頼する「ワイルド カード」リクエストをNOC国際陸上競技連盟(IAAF)へ先週送った、とチョムラアン氏は述べた。
 ワイルド カード リクエストとは、オリンピックの参加資格タイムに達していないランナーに対して大会参加を認めるものであるが、しかしこうしたカードは、運動競技の分野が充実した国ほど発達していない国だけのために確保されたものである。
「IAAFは、カンボジア代表として走るワイルド カード ステータスを[瀧崎氏に]与えると電子メールで我々に伝えた」とチョムラアン氏は述べた。
 ブンティーン氏がオリンピックで走るための今や唯一の方法は、他の誰の助けも借りずに今度のパリ マラソンでオリンピック標準記録タイムを達成することだ、とチョムラアン氏は述べた。
 6月のプノンペン ハーフ マラソンへの20,000ドルから30,000ドルをはじめとする、瀧崎氏がカンボジア体育界に対して行なっているさまざまな寄付が、NOCによる彼の選抜において果たした役割をソックモンコル氏は問題視した。
 ナショナル トラック・フィールド コーチであるパイ=ソックは、この日本人ランナーの選抜はフェアだとした。
カンボジア人ランナーがいるのに日本人が選ばれることはフェアでない。政府は、我々自身のスポーツマンを応援してほしい」とナショナル ランナーであるクー=スロは話した。「ブンティーンは頑張っているし、しかも彼はカンボジアで最も優れている」。